
Courses by semester

Courses for Summer 23

Complete Cornell University course descriptions are in the Courses of Study .

Course ID Title Offered
STS1101 Science, Technology, and Politics
From global warming to surveillance of citizens to health-care reform, issues in science, technology, and medicine are also political issues. This course uses contemporary scientific controversies to explore the intersections of science and politics. Issues explored may include the role of the military and private sector in funding research, the politics of experts and expertise, computer privacy and national security, and environmental politics.

Full details for STS 1101 - Science, Technology, and Politics

STS1180 Evolution
Evolution is the central concept in biology. This course examines evolution as a science and places it in an historical context. Course focuses on descent with modification, the nature of natural selection, the history of the earth, the information content of the fossil record, and processes responsible for diversification (speciation and extinction). The science of evolutionary biology is presented in the context of a broader history of ideas in science. The course also explores the importance of evolutionary thinking in the 21st century, including discussion of antibiotic and pesticide resistance, personalized genomics, eugenics, and climate change.

Full details for STS 1180 - Evolution

Fall, Summer.
STS1451 Body, Mind, and Health: Historical Perspectives for Future Professionals
A course in the social history of medicine that examines the ways in which medicine and its practitioners have impacted-and been impacted by-American social, political, cultural, and economic development. The course focuses on the changing nature of disease, the medical profession past and present as well as historical and contemporary issues in public health.

Full details for STS 1451 - Body, Mind, and Health: Historical Perspectives for Future Professionals

STS2851 Communication, Environment, Science, and Health
Environmental problems, public health issues, scientific research-in each of these areas, communication plays a fundamental role. From the media to individual conversations, from technical journals to textbooks, from lab notes to the web, communication helps define scientifically based social issues and research findings. This course examines the institutional and intellectual contexts, processes, and practical constraints on communication in the sciences.

Full details for STS 2851 - Communication, Environment, Science, and Health
