Christine Leuenberger

Senior Lecturer


On academic leave 2022-present.

Dr. Christine Leuenberger's research is specialized in Science & Technology Studies, qualitative methods, sociology of medicine, classical and contemporary sociological theory, sociology of knowledge, interactional sociology, sociology of culture, transformation studies of Eastern Europe, Middle Eastern Studies, Peace Studies, and the sociology and history of the human and behavioral sciences. Her current research is on the social impact of borders and barriers in a global context and the history and sociology of cartography in Israel and the Palestinian Territories. She is also engaged in peace and educational initiatives in conflict regions in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.


Research Focus

  • Classical and contemporary sociological theory
  • Sociology of knowledge
  • Sociology of science
  • Transformation studies of Eastern Europe
  • History and sociology of the human and behavioral sciences
  • Border Studies
  • Middle East Studies


  • The Politics of Maps: Cartographic Constructions of Israel/Palestine (with Izhak Schnell) Oxford University Press, 2020. Leuenberger, Christine (and Izhak Schnell) The Politics of Maps: Cartographic Constructions of Israel/Palestine. Oxford University Press. 2020.
  • “The Politics of Maps: Mapping the West Bank Barrier”, The Brown Journal of World Affairs 25/2, Spring/summer 2019.
  • “Mapping Divided Cities: Berlin and Jerusalem”, in 25 Years Berlin Republik: Reflections on/of German Unification (1990-2015), edited by Todd Herzog, Tanja Nusser and Richard Schade, Wilhelm: Fink Verlag, 2019.
  • "First we take Berlin then we take Jerusalem: The Geopolitics of Mapping Divided Cities and their Separation Walls," Geoforum Perspektiv 27.2016: 14-32.
  • "Maps as Politics: Mapping the West Bank Barrier," Journal of Borderlands Studies. 2016: 1-26
  • "The West Bank Wall" (with Emily Wills and Reece Jones), Journal of Borderlands Studies. 2016: 1-9.
  • "Knowledge-Making and its Politics in Conflict Regions: Doing Research in Israel/Palestine" Special Issue on Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists: Reflections on Methodsfor Studies of Symbolic Interaction, 44 (2015): 19-41.
  • "Building a Neo-liberal Palestinian State under Closure: The Economic and Spatial Implications of Walls and Barriers" (with Ahmad Al-Atrash), Economic Sociology European Electronic Newsletter 16/2, 2015: 21-31.
  • "Mosquitos don't carry Visas: Walls, Environments and the Hope for Cooperation in Palestine-Israel" (with Ahmad El-Atrash), Palestine-Israel Journal: Natural Resources and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Vol.19 No.4,&Vol.20 No.1, 2014.
  • "Technologies, Practices and the Reproduction of Conflict: The Impact of the West Bank Barrier on Peace Building", in Elisabeth Vallet (eds.) Borders, Fences and Walls: State of Insecurity? Ashgate (Burlington, VT). 2014: 211-230
  • "Mapping Genres and Geopolitics: The Case of Israel" (with Izhak Schnell). Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.  Article first published online: 20 Mar 2014.  Available at:
  • "The Rhetoric of Maps: International Law as a Discursive Tool in Visual Arguments", in Law & Ethics of Human Rights (2013) 7/1: 73-107. Available at:
  • "On Fences and Neighbors", in Olivia Snaije and Mitchell Albert (eds.) Keep Your Eye on the Wall: Palestinian Landscapes (London: Saqi Books): 2013. Also available in French Keep your eye on the Wall (Garde un oeil sur le mur): Paysages Palestiniens (Editions Textuel, France): 2013.
  • "Map-Making for Palestinian State-Making", Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe, Vol 16, no 1 (2013) 54-74.
  • "Mapping Israel/Palestine: Constructing National Territories across Different International Newspapers", Bulletin du Centre de recherche français à Jérusalem [En ligne], 23 | 2012, mis en ligne le 20 janvier 2013, Consulté le 15 avril 2013. URL:
  • "Building Walls in August: Psychological Constructions of the Berlin Wall and the West Bank Barrier", in special issue: "The Semiotics of August in the 20th Century", New Literary Observer (in Russian). 116/4. 2012. Кристин Лойенбергер, "Стены воздвигаются в августе, Новое" литературное обозрение №116 (4/2012). Семиотика августа в XX веке.  URL:
  • The Self as Project: Politics and the Human Sciences. Osiris, 22, (co-edited with Greg Eghigian and Andreas Killan).  Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2007.
  • Erving Goffman. Rede-Weisen: Formen der Kommunikation in sozialen Situationen (co-edited with Hubert Knoblauch and Bernt Schnettler).  Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgelsellschaft, 2005.
  • "From the Berlin Wall to the West Bank Barrier: How material objects and psychological theories can be used to construct individual and cultural traits", in Katharina Gerstenberger and Jana Braziel (eds.) (2011) After the Berlin Wall: Germany and Beyond (Palgrave Macmillan).
  • "The West Bank Wall as Canvas: Art and Graffiti in Palestine/Israel," Palestine-Israel Journal: Jerusalem - In the Eye of the Storm, 17 (1&2), 2011.
  • "The Politics of Maps: Constructing National Territories in Israel" (with Izhak Schnell), Social Studies of Science, 2010: 40/6: 803-842.  Also published Online First, September 1, 2010 as doi:10.1177/0306312710370377.
  • Cultures of Categories: Psychological Diagnoses as Institutional and Political Projects Before and After the Transition from State Socialism in 1989 in East Germany," Osiris, 22.  Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2007.
  • "Introduction: The Self as a Political and Scientific Project in the 20th Century" (with Greg Eghigian and Andreas Killan), Osiris, 22.  Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2007.
  • "Constructions of the Berlin Wall: How Material Culture is used in Psychological Theory", Social Problems. 53/1. February 2006: 18-37.


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